Sinarmas Mining is one of the world-largest natural resources based companies with operations in Indonesian archipelagos. Our subsidiaries in Coal Mining are Berau Coal Energy and Golden Energy Mines and some other mining companies. Currently we operate in three areas: South Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, and Jambi. The Company provides promising prospects for growth in operations and financial performance in the future for a long period.
Currently, the Company sells coal to the Indonesian domestic market and export market in meeting customer needs which mainly consists of power plants, paper mills, cement and coal trading companies that purchase coal for resale. Exports made to various customers mainly China, India, and Asean countries. Most of coal sales company based on contract sales agreements of coal, with coal sales prices are negotiated and adjusted every year or shorter period of time based on coal quality and specification with reference to coal prices prevailing in the market.
The Company also operates coal trading business, where external coal purchases are carried out spot from various sources were for resale. Looking ahead, the trading business is intended also for the purpose of mixing the coal quality to get quality coal in accordance with the specific needs of customers who come from various target different market segments, both within and outside the country. Our purpose is to be the leading mining company in Indonesia by creating added value to customers & stakeholders.
Posisi ENDP - External Relation Specialist bertanggung jawab untuk merencanakan dan melakukan pendekatan kepada pemangku kepentingan serta mengelola keamanan operasional tambang.
• Merencanakan dan melakukan pendekatan melalui pertemuan informal maupun non informal secara periodik dengan para pemangku kepentingan dan kelompok berpengaruh di masyarakat berdasarkan biaya, rencana, dan target
• Mencegah gangguan terhadap kegiatan operasional tambang seperti penutupan jalan hauling dan penyetopan pekerjaan sarana prasarana pertambangan melalui kegiatan antara lain mengumpulkan isu dan melakukan sosialisasi di masyarakat
• Mengelola tim security dan melakukan patroli pengamanan secara acak di lingkungan perusahaan
• Menjalankan strategi merangkul para pemangku kepentingan berdasarkan rencana, biaya, dan sasaran
• Mengidentifikasi kelompok berpengaruh di masyarakat sekitar lingkar tambang
• Memastikan keamanan kegiatan operasional pertambangan
Huneety A.I Salary Estimate
7,000,000 - 12,000,000 IDR per month
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