PT Global Retailindo Pratama (Minimart ) (Denpasar, Bali)
Since its establishment in 2002, M Mart has reached its maturity in running the business. It employs nearly 1500 employees and it is supported by distribution centers. At present M Mart has developed in several regions and cities on the island of Bali, and in 2017 began to spread in some other islands in Indonesia.
M Mart has a vision and mission of “Being a network of modern retail that emphasizes customer satisfaction, innovative and able to compete globally” The Vision and mission are gradually getting closer to reality with the motto “Modern, Cozy & Satisfied” as the basis and foundation for management in making strategic decisions in the company’s development.
It is also supported by operational activities, management of human resources through continuous training process, and by the development of modern technology, application of efficiency and make services as an important foundation towards customer satisfaction.
Posisi Drafter ini terbuka untuk lulusan baru dan diutamakan bagi mereka yang memiliki pengalaman di bidang teknik sipil atau arsitektur.
• Mampu menganalisa dan pengukuran lokasi
• Mampu menghitung BOQ
• Mampu bekerja dengan target
• Pendidikan S1 Teknik sipil/Arsitektur
• Fresh graduate dipersilahkan melamar
• Memiliki pengalaman lebih disukai
• Mahir menggunakan software AutoCAD dan Ms. Office
Huneety A.I Salary Estimate
3,000,000 - 9,000,000 IDR per month
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