PT Bank KB Bukopin Tbk (Kecamatan Prabumulih Timur, South Sumatra, Indonesia)
PT Bank KB Bukopin Tbk (“Company”) is a company engaged in the banking sector. Bank Bukopin (now: KB Bank) was established on July 10, 1970, and is known as the Indonesian Cooperative Commercial Bank.
On February 23, 2021, after receiving an effective statement from the OJK, the Company announced a name change from PT Bank Bukopin Tbk to PT Bank KB Bukopin Tbk.
Carrying the tagline “Kita Bisa karena Bersama”, KB Bank is determined to realize its vision of becoming a Top 10 bank in Indonesia.
Composition after the Limited Public Offering (PUT) VII, the composition of KB Bank share ownership is KB Kookmin Bank at 66.88%, STIC Eugene Star Holdings Inc. at 16.98% and public 16.14%.
KB Kookmin Bank is in first place among the largest banks in South Korea with assets of US$396.70 billion as of September 2023. So that it has enormous and strong financial capabilities to support the development of KB Bank. In addition, KB Kookmin Bank also has a customer base that reaches 70% of South Korea's population, and has the highest credit rating among Korean banks, and is known as the most profitable, solid and stable financial business entity.
Posisi Branch Sales Manager bertanggung jawab untuk mencapai target perusahaan dan memastikan koordinasi yang baik dengan pemangku kepentingan.
• Memastikan tercapainya target & objektif perusahaan.
• Memastikan koordinasi yang baik dengan para pemangku kepentingan.
• Memahami funding & wealth product dengan baik.
• Memastikan KYC dan customer profiling diaplikasikan sebagaimana mestinya.
• Mendukung pertumbuhan laba perusahaan yang berkelanjutan.
• Memberikan layanan yang prima dan profesional.
• S1 dari segala jurusan.
• Pengalaman min. 3 tahun di bidang funding & wealth product.
• Memiliki jaringan relasi yang luas.
• Memiliki Sertifikasi WPPE dan/atau SMR min. Level 1.
• Memahami resiko KYC, customer profiling, dan AML dengan baik.
• Memahami target market yang potensial di wilayah kerjanya.