For over 2 Decades, Pancaran Group has prevailed in integrating domestic and international supply chain inefficiencies by providing our clients with an exclusively customized all-in-one solution. Whether by land or sea, our horizons have spreaded from Indonesia’s archipelago to continents across the globe - and yet, we continue to thrive and reach extraordinary lengths.
Pancaran Group serves you beyond your logistical needs. Economic Ship Building, Innovative Tracking Technologies, Elaborate Warehousing Management, Custom Clearances, Freight Forwarding, Project Logistics, and Natural Resources Mining are among the numerous industries we have branched towards. Despite the rapid growth of our company, we recognize the importance of a sustainable, low-carbon world. With the expertise of our ambitious internal renewable energy team to reimagine Indonesia’s sources of energy and achieve a net-zero world, Pancaran Group is building partnerships with local and foreign vendors to aid in reaching our target of developing several renewable power plants to electrify Indonesia with green and clean electricity.
We take pride in our team. Our basic foundation lies in embodying 4 core values - Integrity, Customer-focused, Collaboration, and Continuous improvement (IC3). We are composed of highly-motivated and enthusiastic professionals determined to deliver the best quality service across our diversified businesses. Thus, we believe that relationships are our main priority. Our organization focuses on establishing and sustaining mutually-beneficial, tight-knit relationships with our customers, global partners, and joint ventures to gain a better understanding of markets and ensure the continuous development of our business.
Posisi Mekanik Truk di Pangkalan Kerinci, Riau bertanggung jawab untuk melakukan analisa dan perbaikan kerusakan unit serta memastikan kendaraan dalam kondisi siap digunakan.
• Melakukan analisa dan perbaikan kerusakan unit (Head Truck).
• Melakukan pemasangan part yang sesuai dan unit siap digunakan.
• Membuat daftar permintaan spare part sesuai dengan kebutuhan.
• Melakukan Daily Inspection, Preventive maintenance dan Troubleshooting terhadap unit Truck.
• Memastikan dan menjaga lingkungan kerja (workshop) serta tools rapi dan terjaga.
• Melaporkan abnormality unit dan masalah pengoperasian yang di alami oleh operator.
• Pendidikan akhir minimal SMK/SMA (jurusan Teknik Otomotif lebih baik).
• Pengalaman kerja minimal 3 tahun di bidang yang sama.
• Mampu mengemudikan kendaraan Roda 4 dan memiliki SIM A.
• Memiliki pengalaman menangani perbaikan dan perawatan Truk Quester / Hino / Renault. Memahami manual book dan part book.
• Mampu membuat rencana preventif untuk mengurangi kerusakan unit.
• Mampu menganalisa kerusakan/ masalah dalam hal perbaikan/ perawatan.
• Bersedia ditempatkan di Pangkalan Kerinci, Riau.
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