Restaurant Assistant Manager
GF Culinary (Bekasi, West Java)
West Java,
Good Food Culinary has been at the forefront of shaping Indonesia’s dining scene. From creating innovative restaurant concepts to introducing internationally acclaimed chains that have earned a place in the hearts of local diners, we strive to exceed expectations and push boundaries in the industry.
Since the beginning of our journey, our vision has remained unchanged: to provide unparalleled dining experiences that bring people together over delectable meals, with great ambiance and excellent service. Our passionate team works hard every day to create amazing memories for all diners who come through our doors.
We love what we do, and that is what drives us every day to be better. Today, we are proud to work alongside dedicated employees across the nation, all of who share the same commitment to continue pushing the boundaries and delivering exciting dining concepts and warm hospitality to diners in Indonesia.
คลิกเพื่อดูงานที่คล้านกันในประเทศ อินโดนีเซีย:
การแปรรูปอาหาร เครื่องดื่ม และอาหารสัตว์
Posisi ini bertanggung jawab untuk menjalankan dan memantau kegiatan operasional restoran serta mengelola staf dan laporan terkait.
• Menjalankan dan memantau kegiatan operasional dengan sebaik mungkin
• Membuat jadwal bekerja staff restoran
• Membuat laporan absensi karyawan di outlet
• Briefing setiap shift perihal promo dan lainnya
• Melaksanakan kontrol ketepatan jumlah pengorderan barang dan Personal or Kitchen Hygiene di tiap section
• Melakukan pengawasan dan meminimalkan waste barang
• Membantu pelaksanaan training dan peningkatan kemampuan/performa/kinerja individu staf
• Berpengalaman
• Diploma
• Kandidat wajib upload foto
• Terima kandidat dari mana saja
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