FKS Group is a South-East Asian holding company focused on food, energy and property.
Its companies combine a strong commitment to logistics and infrastructure with deep domestic and international understanding to realize the potential of businesses and people across the region.
The Group’s commitment is strengthened by more than 40 years of experience and expertise that extends globally to sourcing, manufacturing, refining, logistics, shipping, financing, risk management as well as trading logistics, shipping, financing, risk management as well as trading.
Rapidly growing, FKS Group is focusing on import, trading, process and distribution of physical grain commodities such as food and feed in Indonesia. As the number one importer and distributor of soybean and soybean meal in Indonesia, the Group handles huge supply chain volume in both food and feed sectors.
FKS Group strives to exceed stakeholders’ expectation and investment by ensuring a continued growth of the Group and developing employee’s competencies. The Group’s significant interests in sugar refineries, energy and property developments are managed by the subsidiaries.
Posisi ini bertanggung jawab untuk mengawasi dan mengelola pemeliharaan infrastruktur serta keamanan kawasan.
• Membuat usulan rencana resources, kebutuhan sarana dan prasarana untuk melakukan pemeliharaan infrastruktur, utility dan ME serta penjagaan keamanan dan ketertiban kawasan.
• Menyusun jadwal rutin pemeliharaan infrastruktur, utility dan ME bulanan dan memastikan proses pemeliharaan tersebut dilakukan sesuai rencana.
• Mengawasi proses pemeliharaan dan perbaikan infrastruktur lingkungan seperti jalan, saluran dll dan seluruh utilitas seperti PJU, CPG, Boom Gate, dll.
• Membuat laporan pemakaian stok sparepart/utility bulanan seperti stok lampu, mesin potong rumput, dll.
• Mengawasi pengelolaan keamanan dan ketertiban kawasan agar dilakukan sesuai SOP untuk mewujudkan kawasan yang tertib, aman dan terkendali.
• Membina hubungan baik dengan lembaga dan instansi pemerintah terkait sebagai upaya menjaga stabilitas keamanan kawasan.
• Lulusan S1 semua jurusan.
• Memiliki pengalaman kurang lebih 5 tahun di bidang yang sama.
Huneety A.I Salary Estimate
11,000,000 - 26,000,000 IDR per month
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