Accounting Officer
Ciputra Group (Bogor, West Java)
West Java,
Ciputra Group is a business group which has been established for 38 years, founded by Dr. (HC) Ir. Ciputra and family. Up to now, Ciputra Group manages 13 business sectors namely housing developers, office buildings, shopping centers, hotels, apartments, recreational facilities, education, healthcare, agriculture, telecommunications, arts centers, media, and digital.
Our main business is a large-scale housing developer with the principle of "Building the City, Building the Life" based on 3 core values, namely Integrity, Professionalism, and Entrepreneurship that ensure sustainable development for citizens, communities and nations.
Currently, the Ciputra Group has managed 138 projects in 46 cities over Indonesia and several countries in Asia, especially at Shenyang-China, Hanoi-Vietnam, and Phnom Penh-Cambodia. This makes Ciputra Group the largest and most diversified business group in terms of products, geographic location, and market segmentation.
As a form of concern for the people and the nation, Ciputra Group is also committed to focus on spreading entrepreneurial spirit throughout Indonesia as its CSR, through entrepreneurship training in government institutions, academics, business circles and all elements of society.
คลิกเพื่อดูงานที่คล้านกันในประเทศ อินโดนีเซีย:
Posisi Accounting Officer bertanggung jawab untuk mengelola jurnal pembukuan, melakukan closing entry, serta membuat laporan keuangan dan laporan manajemen yang diperlukan.
• Memastikan dan mengurus jurnal pembukuan
• Melakukan closing entry
• Membuat laporan keuangan yang tepat dan akurat
• Membuat laporan manajemen yang dibutuhkan
• Min. pendidikan S1 Accounting
• Minimal 1-3 tahun pengalaman sebagai accounting staff atau auditor KAP
• Preferably have experience in property area
• Bersedia ditempatkan di proyek Sentul, Bogor
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