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  • Indonesia Dream Jobs by Huneety

    Eksekutif Logistik (Logistics Executive)

    Indonesia Dream Jobs by Huneety

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Eksekutif Logistik (Logistics Executive)

Huneety Dream Jobs (Jakarta)
DKI Jakarta, Indonesia 🇮🇩
If you apply to a Huneety dream job, Huneety will match your profile with employers that are hiring for your targeted dream job. Get matched with multiple employers looking for your skills Target a salary increase (+20% in average) Let us do the work, we will screen all opportunities on your behalf.

Detail posisi

This is an exciting opportunity for an experienced Logistics Executive to join a growing team and play an integral role in the successful execution of our logistics operations. This role requires someone with excellent organizational skills, problem solving abilities, and the ability to think creatively. The Logistics Executive will be responsible for overseeing our entire supply chain from the point of acquisition to delivery, as well as managing our inventory and warehousing. In this position, you will lead a team of professionals to ensure timely and accurate product delivery, while also developing and executing strategies to reduce costs and improve operational efficiency. If you are looking


1. Manage the logistics operations and coordinate transportation activities.
2. Monitor the movement of goods and ensure they are delivered on time.
3. Negotiate and establish contracts with suppliers, carriers and customers.
4. Monitor and manage inventory levels in the warehouse.
5. Develop and implement strategies for the efficient distribution of goods.
6. Monitor and optimize the supply chain process.
7. Analyze and report on logistics performance metrics.
8. Ensure compliance with safety regulations and quality standards.
9. Oversee the loading and unloading of goods.
10. Liaise with internal departments and external parties to resolve issues.


• Bachelor's degree in Supply Chain Management, Logistics, Business Administration or related field
• Proven experience as a logistics executive or similar position
• Knowledge of logistical procedures and best practices
• Understanding of supply chain processes
• Excellent organizational and time-management skills


Logistik : Manajemen Logistik
Manajemen Persediaan : Kontrol Inventaris Manajemen Persediaan Inventaris Manajemen Stok Mengelola Pesanan
Pengelolaan Operasi Transportasi : Angkutan Laut Angkutan Udara Operasi transportasi Pelacakan Transportasi Pengiriman Barang
Perencanaan Logistik : Perencanaan Distribusi Perencanaan Logistik Perkiraan Permintaan