Detail posisi
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âĒ Be able to work in Suvarnabhumi Airport (BKK)
âĒ Performing maintenance, repair in accordance with SRMs will be supervised and certified by Structure Repair shop Certifying staff
âĒ Complying the requirement of safety standards, fire precautions and emergency procedures applicable to the work area
âĒ Assuring the serviceability of tools and equipment and maintaining the premises of the Shop in clean and orderly condition
âĒ Other assignments from the direct Manager
âĒ Diploma/High Vocational Certificate (Dip./High Voc. Cert.)
âĒ Experience 2 years in commercial or military aircraft structure repair shop
âĒ Fundamental of aircraft structural
âĒ Effective written and verbal skills in Thai & English.
âĒ Standard computer literacy
âĒ Experience as a technician
âĒ Able to travel as when it is required