Internal Auditor (ตรวจสาขาต่างจังหวัด)
Siamgas and Petrochemicals Public Company Limited (Ratchathewi)
Siamgas and Petrochemicals PCL. is a leading LPG distributor in Thailand and East Asia. The company operates in five countries which are Thailand, China, Singapore, Malaysia, and Vietnam. In Thailand, the company is thailand’s second largest LPG trader and sell LPG under two brands which are “SIAMGAS” and “UNIQUEGAS” the company has three core businesses which are LPG and Petrochemical trading, LPG and Petrochemical transportation, and LPG cylinder and autogas tank manufacturer. For oversea operation, the company sell LPG in bulk and in retail under several brands which are “SGGAS”, “SINGGAS”, and “MYGAZ”.
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Fungsi pekerjaan:
Keuangan & Akuntansi
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The Internal Auditor will be responsible for conducting audits, analyzing data, and preparing reports for management.
• Proceed, audit and implement the audition program and report
• Accumulate, analyze, assess data and summarize the report
• Provide, arrange paper sheet into completed version of report
• Summarize report and report to the relevant manager and management
• Bachelor Degree or higher in accounting or related fields
• At least 3 working experiences in accounting & audition or related fields
• Good command of English & computer skill
• Readiness to travel and work upcountry and abroad
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