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  • Indonesia Dream Jobs by Huneety

    Insinyur Desain Sipil & Struktural (Civil & Structural Design Engineer)

    Indonesia Dream Jobs by Huneety

    Indonesia | DKI Jakarta

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  • Indonesia Dream Jobs by Huneety


    Indonesia Dream Jobs by Huneety

    Indonesia | DKI Jakarta

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  • Indonesia Dream Jobs by Huneety

    Insinyur Industrial (Industrial Engineer (IE))

    Indonesia Dream Jobs by Huneety

    Indonesia | DKI Jakarta

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    Indonesia Dream Jobs by Huneety

    Indonesia | DKI Jakarta

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Insinyur Desain Sipil & Struktural (Civil & Structural Design Engineer)

Huneety Dream Jobs (Jakarta)
DKI Jakarta, Indonesia 🇮🇩
If you apply to a Huneety dream job, Huneety will match your profile with employers that are hiring for your targeted dream job. Get matched with multiple employers looking for your skills Target a salary increase (+20% in average) Let us do the work, we will screen all opportunities on your behalf.

Detail posisi

The Civil & Structural Design Engineers are responsible for designing and overseeing the construction of civil and structural projects. They will collaborate with architects, contractors, and other engineers to ensure the successful completion of projects within budget and timeline constraints. This position reports to the Director of Engineering.


• Conducting site visits and surveys to gather data and assess project requirements.
• Developing detailed design plans and specifications for civil and structural engineering projects.
• Performing calculations and analysis to ensure structural integrity and compliance with building codes and regulations.
• Collaborating with architects, contractors, and other professionals to coordinate design and construction activities.
• Reviewing and approving construction drawings and documents to ensure accuracy and adherence to design standards.
• Providing technical guidance and support to project teams during the construction phase.
• Conducting feasibility studies and cost estimates for proposed projects.
• Utilizing computer-aided design (CAD) software to create and modify engineering drawings.
• Conducting structural analysis and simulations to evaluate the performance of various design options.
• Staying updated with industry trends, advancements, and best practices in civil and structural engineering.


• Bachelor's degree in civil engineering or a related field
• Professional Engineer (PE) license or ability to obtain one
• Strong knowledge of structural analysis and design software
• Experience with AutoCAD and other drafting software
• Excellent problem-solving and communication skills


Desain Industri : Membuat sketsa Pembuatan Prototipe Cepat Rekayasa Desain
Manajemen Proyek : Koordinasi proyek Manajemen pemangku kepentingan
Project Management : Project reporting
Rekayasa Struktural : Bahan Beton Desain baja Fondasi Dalam Mathcad Rekayasa Struktural
Teknik Konstruksi : Gambar Konstruksi Kontraktor Manajemen Konstruksi Rekayasa, Pengadaan, dan Konstruksi (EPC) Teknik Sipil Tes Fungsi