PT Jinyoung

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List of jobs found:

  • PT Jinyoung

    RnD Packaging Staff

    PT Jinyoung

    Indonesia | Jawa Barat

    Jadilah pertama yang melamar

    Terakhir diperbarui 4 minggu yang lalu

RnD Packaging Staff

PT Jinyoung (Bogor, West Java)
Jawa Barat, Indonesia 🇮🇩
PT. JINYOUNG is the leading food ingredient manufacturer in Indonesia since 2002. Our comparative advantage is the natural savory extract series such as meat, poultry, and seafood extracts. Our core products also include various food ingredients such as savory seasonings, refinery fats, spices, dried vegetables, bread crumbs, and confectioneries, which serve the demand and needs of the food industry. PT. JINYOUNG was originally established as a Research & Development Centre for meat, poultry, and seafood extracts. And today, PT. JINYOUNG is renowned as the pioneer of high-quality extract paste and powder manufacturer, providing all Halal-Certified products granted by the Indonesian Halal Guarantee Organizer (BPJPH).

Detail posisi

Posisi RnD Packaging Staff bertanggung jawab untuk menentukan bahan kemas dan berkoordinasi dengan berbagai tim untuk memastikan kesesuaian kemasan dengan regulasi yang berlaku.


• Menentukan bahan kemas (baik primer maupun sekunder) untuk setiap project yang dikerjakan.
• Menentukan kesesuaian standar ukuran kemasan (bulky maupun retail).
• Berkoordinasi dengan R&D formulator untuk setiap project yang berjalan termasuk uji stabilitas produk dengan kemasan tertentu.
• Berkoordinasi dengan tim marketing dan divisi lainnya terkait design/ label kemasan serta memeriksa kesesuaian berdasarkan regulasi yang berlaku (BPOM, MD, dan Halal)


• S1 teknologi pangan/ industri/ kimia.
• Memiliki pengalaman di posisi yang sama min. 1 tahun.
• Mahir menggunakan aplikasi design (photoshop/ corel draw/ autocad).
• Terbiasa menggunakan Microsoft Office dan membuat materi presentasi.
• Memiliki kemampuan bahasa inggris yang baik.
• Disiplin, kreatif dan inovatif


Huneety A.I Salary Estimate
5,000,000 - 7,000,000 IDR per month

Tentang PT Jinyoung

PT. JINYOUNG is the leading food ingredient manufacturer in Indonesia since 2002. Our comparative advantage is the natural savory extract series such as meat, poultry, and seafood extracts. Our core products also include various food ingredients such as savory seasonings, refinery fats, spices, dried vegetables, bread crumbs, and confectioneries, which serve the demand and needs of the food industry. PT. JINYOUNG was originally established as a Research & Development Centre for meat, poultry, and seafood extracts. And today, PT. JINYOUNG is renowned as the pioneer of high-quality extract paste and powder manufacturer, providing all Halal-Certified products granted by the Indonesian Halal Guarantee Organizer (BPJPH).