PT Itama Ranoraya Tbk

Lowongan Pekerjaan di PT Itama Ranoraya Tbk

2 jobs

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List of jobs found:

  • PT Itama Ranoraya Tbk

    Sales Executive

    PT Itama Ranoraya Tbk

    Indonesia | Kalimantan Barat

    Jadilah pertama yang melamar

    Terakhir diperbarui 1 bulan yang lalu

  • PT Itama Ranoraya Tbk

    Sales Executive (Makassar)

    PT Itama Ranoraya Tbk

    Indonesia | Sulawesi Selatan

    Jadilah pertama yang melamar

    Terakhir diperbarui 1 bulan yang lalu

Sales Executive

PT Itama Ranoraya Tbk (Pontianak, West Kalimantan)
Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia 🇮🇩
PT Itama Ranoraya Tbk. is a publicly listed healthcare company engaging on hi-tech medical devices and supplies since early 2000. Our commitment is to become the most reliable and customer-driven healthcare provider in Indonesia. Such commitment is proven in our portfolio, in which our company has gain numerous partnerships with reputable healthcare principals whether locally or internationally such as Oneject, Abbott, Terumo, BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company), etc. As a healthcare company that is dedicated to a “Hi-tech Healthcare Solutions”, we are always determined to provide an exceptional and astonishing customer experience. Line of our customers are varied from both the public and private sector. Participating in government related healthcare program and to distribute top quality products to independent institution are among our expertise as a publicly listed healthcare company.

Detail posisi

Posisi Sales Executive bertanggung jawab untuk mencapai target penjualan dan mengelola tim penjualan serta program pelatihan.


• Buat laporan saluran penjualan setiap minggu
• Memastikan tercapainya target penjualan yang telah ditetapkan
• Membuat program pelatihan dan pembinaan untuk tim produk dan penjualan.
• Merencanakan promosi produk dan mengendalikan penggunaan biaya untuk promosi produk.
• Mengontrol dan Menjaga harga jual produk bersama tim penjualan.
• Memastikan dan bekerja sama dengan tim penjualan bahwa target penjualan produk bertanggung jawab yang telah ditetapkan dapat tercapai.
• Membantu Tim Keuangan dalam tindak lanjut penagihan AR


• Minimum gelar sarjana di bidang Sains, Farmasi, Kimia, Laboratorium atau jurusan apa pun.
• Memiliki pengalaman minimal 2 tahun dalam menangani Produk Laboratorium (Hematology, Immunologi, Kimia Analyzer).
• Mampu mengoperasikan Microsoft Office (khususnya: Excel, Power Point).
• Negosiasi, presentasi, kemampuan penjualan, kepemimpinan & keterampilan komunikasi yang baik.
• Disiplin, detail, dan mempunyai motivasi diri.
• Mampu bekerja dalam team, Multi tasking
• Penempatan : Pontianak

Tentang PT Itama Ranoraya Tbk

PT Itama Ranoraya Tbk. is a publicly listed healthcare company engaging on hi-tech medical devices and supplies since early 2000. Our commitment is to become the most reliable and customer-driven healthcare provider in Indonesia. Such commitment is proven in our portfolio, in which our company has gain numerous partnerships with reputable healthcare principals whether locally or internationally such as Oneject, Abbott, Terumo, BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company), etc. As a healthcare company that is dedicated to a “Hi-tech Healthcare Solutions”, we are always determined to provide an exceptional and astonishing customer experience. Line of our customers are varied from both the public and private sector. Participating in government related healthcare program and to distribute top quality products to independent institution are among our expertise as a publicly listed healthcare company.