OCBC Indonesia

Lowongan Pekerjaan di OCBC Indonesia

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  • OCBC Indonesia

    PREMIER BANKING MANAGER (Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Medan, Semarang, Makassar)

    OCBC Indonesia

    Indonesia | DKI Jakarta

    Jadilah pertama yang melamar

    Terakhir diperbarui 11 jam yang lalu

  • OCBC Indonesia

    Private Banker

    OCBC Indonesia

    Indonesia | DKI Jakarta

    Jadilah pertama yang melamar

    Terakhir diperbarui 2 minggu yang lalu

  • OCBC Indonesia

    Digital Product Manager

    OCBC Indonesia

    Indonesia | Banten

    Jadilah pertama yang melamar

    Terakhir diperbarui 2 minggu yang lalu

  • OCBC Indonesia

    Software Engineer

    OCBC Indonesia

    Indonesia | Banten

    Jadilah pertama yang melamar

    Terakhir diperbarui 3 minggu yang lalu

  • OCBC Indonesia

    Trader Global Markets

    OCBC Indonesia

    Indonesia | DKI Jakarta

    Jadilah pertama yang melamar

    Terakhir diperbarui 3 minggu yang lalu

  • OCBC Indonesia

    Private Banker

    OCBC Indonesia

    Indonesia | DKI Jakarta

    Jadilah pertama yang melamar

    Terakhir diperbarui 3 minggu yang lalu

  • OCBC Indonesia

    Corporate Planning Business Partner

    OCBC Indonesia

    Indonesia | DKI Jakarta

    Jadilah pertama yang melamar

    Terakhir diperbarui 3 minggu yang lalu

  • OCBC Indonesia

    Management Reporting Analytics

    OCBC Indonesia

    Indonesia | DKI Jakarta

    Jadilah pertama yang melamar

    Terakhir diperbarui 3 minggu yang lalu

  • OCBC Indonesia

    Coporate Planning Business Partner

    OCBC Indonesia

    Indonesia | DKI Jakarta

    Jadilah pertama yang melamar

    Terakhir diperbarui 1 bulan yang lalu

  • OCBC Indonesia

    Sales Manager - Credit Card & Personal Loan

    OCBC Indonesia

    Indonesia | Banten

    Jadilah pertama yang melamar

    Terakhir diperbarui 1 bulan yang lalu

PREMIER BANKING MANAGER (Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Medan, Semarang, Makassar)

OCBC Indonesia (Jakarta, Indonesia)
DKI Jakarta, Indonesia 🇮🇩
OCBC Indonesia (formerly known as OCBC NISP) is the fourth oldest bank in Indonesia, which was founded in April 4th 1941 in Bandung under the name of NV Nederlandsch Indische Spaar En Deposito Bank. OCBC Indonesia then grown to be a solid and dependable bank, especially in providing service for small business segments. It officially became a commercial bank in 1967, Foreign exchange bank in 1990 and public corporate in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 1994. In the end of 1990, OCBC Indonesia managed to pass the Asia monetary crisis and the fall of banking industry without any recapitalization obligation aid from the government. OCBC Indonesia became one of the first few banks to resume lending during the crisis. This initiative enabled the Bank to note a high growth. OCBC Indonesia good reputation and its promising growth has attracted the interest of International Finance Corporation (IFC), a part of World Bank Group, which then became a shareholder in 2001-2010 and from OCBC Singapore which then became the shareholder OCBC Indonesia. OCBC Singapore finally became the stakeholder after going through several acquisitions and tender offers since 2004. OCBC Singapore Bank currently holds 85,06% of the stock in OCBC Indonesia. With the support from OCBC Bank-Singapore, OCBC Indonesia has implemented aggressive programmes to strengthen the infrastructure, human resources, information and technology, as well as office networking. This programme was the foundation of the relocation of the main office of OCBC Tower to the central Jakarta that enables OCBC Indonesia to gain access to the business centre in Indonesia. OCBC Indonesia currently employs more than 6.796 employees. That number spreads over 340 branch offices. With high motivation, OCBC Indonesia is ready to serve the customers who are in 61 cities in Indonesia. PT Bank OCBC NISP, Tbk is licensed and supervised by the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) and Bank Indonesia, also LPS participant.

Detail posisi

Bertanggung jawab terhadap pencapaian target Consumer Business (Premier Banking) melalui pelaksanaan kegiatan marketing dan pengembangan Customer Base untuk mendukung Corporate Goals.


• Melaksananakan aktivitas sales sesuai dengan action plan/strategi yang telah ditetapkan dan sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku
• Mencari peluang bisnis baru dan mengembangkan customer base segmen Premier untuk mencapai target yang ditetapkan
• Terlibat aktif dalam aktivitas-aktivitas customer event dan selalu berkontribusi atas hasil pelaksanaan customer event
• Memberikan informasi dalam hal pemilihan produk Premier : ‘Liabilities & Wealth’, ‘On Shore’, jasa valas, dan produk lainnya yang terkait kepada nasabah segmen Premier dengan memenuhi semua komitmen sebagai seorang perencana keuangan yang professional
• Melakukan pemantauan nasabah premier terhadap aktivitas dan dana yang mengendap agar terjadi optimalisasi dari dana yang dikelola
• Penempatan terbuka untuk beberapa kota di Indonesia : Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Medan, Semarang dan Makassar


• Minimal lulusan D3/S1 dari berbagai disiplin ilmu
• Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimum 3 tahun di bidang marketing perbankan
• Memiliki network yang luas
• Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik

Tentang OCBC Indonesia

OCBC Indonesia (formerly known as OCBC NISP) is the fourth oldest bank in Indonesia, which was founded in April 4th 1941 in Bandung under the name of NV Nederlandsch Indische Spaar En Deposito Bank. OCBC Indonesia then grown to be a solid and dependable bank, especially in providing service for small business segments. It officially became a commercial bank in 1967, Foreign exchange bank in 1990 and public corporate in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 1994. In the end of 1990, OCBC Indonesia managed to pass the Asia monetary crisis and the fall of banking industry without any recapitalization obligation aid from the government. OCBC Indonesia became one of the first few banks to resume lending during the crisis. This initiative enabled the Bank to note a high growth. OCBC Indonesia good reputation and its promising growth has attracted the interest of International Finance Corporation (IFC), a part of World Bank Group, which then became a shareholder in 2001-2010 and from OCBC Singapore which then became the shareholder OCBC Indonesia. OCBC Singapore finally became the stakeholder after going through several acquisitions and tender offers since 2004. OCBC Singapore Bank currently holds 85,06% of the stock in OCBC Indonesia. With the support from OCBC Bank-Singapore, OCBC Indonesia has implemented aggressive programmes to strengthen the infrastructure, human resources, information and technology, as well as office networking. This programme was the foundation of the relocation of the main office of OCBC Tower to the central Jakarta that enables OCBC Indonesia to gain access to the business centre in Indonesia. OCBC Indonesia currently employs more than 6.796 employees. That number spreads over 340 branch offices. With high motivation, OCBC Indonesia is ready to serve the customers who are in 61 cities in Indonesia. PT Bank OCBC NISP, Tbk is licensed and supervised by the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) and Bank Indonesia, also LPS participant.