Meyer Seals Asia Ltd.
Thailand | Rayong
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Meyer Seals Asia Ltd.
Thailand | Rayong
Jadilah pertama yang melamar
Terakhir diperbarui 1 hari yang lalu
Meyer Seals Asia Ltd.
Thailand | Rayong
Jadilah pertama yang melamar
Terakhir diperbarui 1 hari yang lalu
Meyer Seals Asia Ltd.
Thailand | Rayong
Jadilah pertama yang melamar
Terakhir diperbarui 1 hari yang lalu
Meyer Seals Asia Ltd.
Thailand | Rayong
Jadilah pertama yang melamar
Terakhir diperbarui 1 hari yang lalu
Meyer Seals Asia Ltd.
Thailand | Rayong
Jadilah pertama yang melamar
Terakhir diperbarui 1 hari yang lalu
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Meyer SealsÂŪ The SEALutions Company is one of the world's largest manufacturers of sealing liners and the market leader in Europe. Since 1879, Meyer SealsÂŪ has been developing and producing sealing elements for the packaging industry. We produce more than 20 billion sealing liners a year and deliver to customers in over 100 countries on all continents. Our sealing liners are a key component in packaging. They protect container contents from tampering and preserve valuable filling substances and active ingredients. They seal securely and prevent leaks. They enable safely and convenient withdrawal of contents from containers by the consumer. They are a valued means of communication between brand owners and consumers.