Senior Distribution Channel Officer
Maguro (Thailand)
Thailand | Bangkok
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Maguro (Thailand)
Thailand | Bangkok
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Maguro (Thailand)
Thailand | Bangkok
Jadilah pertama yang melamar
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Maguro (Thailand)
Thailand | Bangkok
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Maguro (Thailand)
Thailand | Bangkok
Jadilah pertama yang melamar
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Maguro (Thailand)
Thailand | Bangkok
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Maguro (Thailand)
Thailand | Bangkok
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Maguro (Thailand)
Thailand | Nonthaburi
Jadilah pertama yang melamar
Terakhir diperbarui 3 minggu yang lalu
Maguro (Thailand)
Thailand | Bangkok
Jadilah pertama yang melamar
Terakhir diperbarui 3 minggu yang lalu
Maguro (Thailand)
Thailand | Bangkok
Jadilah pertama yang melamar
Terakhir diperbarui 3 minggu yang lalu
Maguro (Thailand)
Thailand | Bangkok
Jadilah pertama yang melamar
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Showing 1 to 10 of 18 results
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âĒ Data Analysis & Reporting: Conduct routine data analysis to track sales performance, delivery metrics, and other key business indicators. Utilize Excel to generate detailed weekly, monthly, and quarterly reports that support strategic decision-making.
âĒ Sales Optimization: Analyze sales data from the "MAGURO Go" channel and delivery partners including Grab Food, Lineman, Shopee Food, Robinhood and Food Panda with identifying trends and opportunities for performance improvement and implementing actions to optimize sales across all channels.
âĒ Coordinate Operations: Collaborate with delivery partners and internal teams to ensure smooth operational processes, addressing and resolving daily issues efficiently.
âĒ Cross-functional Collaboration: Work closely with internal teams and external partners to foster smooth cross-functional synergy, ensuring alignment in operations and delivery processes.
âĒ Social media & Influencer Engagement: Manage relationships with social media influencers and KOLs, create trendy, engaging content for Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok to enhance brand presence and engagement.
âĒ Digital Marketing & Promotion Planning: Develop daily, weekly and monthly digital marketing plans to support delivery and e-commerce operations, ensuring alignment with overall business goals. Collaborate with delivery partners to create attractive promotional campaigns, including menu designs and pricing strategies aimed at driving sales and enhancing customer engagement.
âĒ A bachelorâs degree in business administration, accounting, statistics, or a related field, with a focus on marketing is advantageous
âĒ Minimum of 2 yearsâ experience in marketing, digital marketing, or a related field
âĒ Strong data analysis skills, with advanced proficiency in Excel for generating detailed reports and insights
âĒ Ability to multitask effectively and a strong willingness to learn and adapt in a fast-paced environment
âĒ Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, adaptable to both internal team collaboration and external partner interactions
âĒ Self-motivated, capable of working independently, and able to prioritize tasks to meet deadlines
âĒ Experience with digital marketing tools and platforms, including social media management (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok) and influencer marketing
âĒ Strong problem-solving abilities, particularly in managing operational issues and optimizing sales performance
âĒ Ability to collaborate with cross-functional teams and external partners to achieve business objectives
As a Japanese restaurant since 2014 Through giving Sensual Sushi moments to customers, we have gained experience. Become an organization determined to offer quality and value meals to everyone. From MAGURO to MAGURO Group, we would like to communicate our position, belief and corporate culture. To consumers and society. MAGURO Group is an organization that is committed to delivering the âRewarding Eating Experienceâ. That is like a reward in everyday lifeâ to people because we believe In everyday life, everyone needs special moments. It's like a present for himself and his loved ones.