Senior Tax Specialist
Deloitte (Indonesia) (Jakarta Metropolitan Area)
DKI Jakarta,
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The Senior Tax Specialist position at Deloitte in Jakarta focuses on preparing and managing tax-related documentation and compliance, while fostering a culture of respect and inclusion within the team.
• Preparation of VAT invoices in compliance with tax regulations.
• Prepare tax computations and manage tax returns, including withholding tax, VAT returns, and corporate income tax returns.
• Assist in preparing documentation required during tax audits and addressing tax queries from authorities.
• Preparation and analysis of monthly and yearly statutory financial statements.
• Compile and provide supporting documents requested by external auditors for financial statement audits.
• Review and provide input on draft audit reports.
• Prepare financial reports comply with Indonesian Accounting Standards and regulations.
• Bachelor's degree in accounting / tax administration with minimum GPA 3.00.
• Minimum working experience of 3 years in accounting/ finance/ tax.
• Tax Brevet certification is a plus.
• Previous experience in tax consultation is preferred.