Equipment Manager
BJC Heavy Industries Public Company Limited
Thailand | Rayong
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BJC Heavy Industries Public Company Limited
Thailand | Rayong
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BJC Heavy Industries Public Company Limited
Thailand | Rayong
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BJC Heavy Industries Public Company Limited
Thailand | Rayong
Jadilah pertama yang melamar
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BJC Heavy Industries Public Company Limited
Thailand | Rayong
Jadilah pertama yang melamar
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BJC Heavy Industries Public Company Limited
Thailand | Rayong
Jadilah pertama yang melamar
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BJC Heavy Industries Public Company Limited
Thailand | Rayong
Jadilah pertama yang melamar
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BJC Heavy Industries Public Company Limited
Thailand | Rayong
Jadilah pertama yang melamar
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The Equipment Manager oversees engineering and technical design of mechanical engineering projects, ensuring effective communication and coordination among engineers, while managing project schedules, budgets, and maintenance systems.
âĒ Oversees engineering and technical design of mechanical engineering projects.
âĒ Manages communication and coordination among different types of engineers working on a project.
âĒ Supervises project schedule, budget, and communications with stakeholders.
âĒ Plan monthly repair & maintenance expense, renovation expense and budget.
âĒ Spare parts store management.
âĒ Organize and update maintenance history of each tool and machine including manuals in a systematic.
âĒ Responsible for fulfillment and follow up the maintenance system according ISO 9001, and quality management standard.
âĒ Establish targets in areas such as equipment reliability and service standards.
âĒ Monitor the performance activities against targets.
âĒ Bachelor Degree in Mechanical, Electrical or Related fields.
âĒ Minimum 10 yearsâ experience in Mechanical, Electrical equipment, facility maintenance and/or construction.
âĒ Management skill equipment; leadership, supervisory, decision making, coaching, problem-solving, planning and communication.
âĒ Knowledge & experience in quality system (ISO 9001, 14001, OHSAS 18001).
âĒ Good command of English language.
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