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Yanhee Hospital
Thailand | Bangkok
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Last updated 3 weeks ago
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Yanhee Hospital
Thailand | Bangkok
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Last updated 3 weeks ago
Yanhee Hospital
Thailand | Bangkok
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Last updated 3 weeks ago
Yanhee Hospital
Thailand | Bangkok
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Last updated 3 weeks ago
Yanhee Hospital
Thailand | Bangkok
Be among first to apply
Last updated 3 weeks ago
Yanhee Hospital
Thailand | Bangkok
Be among first to apply
Last updated 3 weeks ago
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In 1984, a year after our graduation from medical school, I and my closest doctor friends opened a small out-patient clinic we called the Yanhee Polyclinic. We named it after the nearby Yanhee electric power station as an easy reference point for directions. Today, Yanhee Hospital overshadows in popularity, that station whose name we adopted. It has become one of the best hospitals in Bangkok, owing to the fact that it has built multi-specialty treatment centers for the growing health needs of the local and international communities. And as a foremost medical tourism destination in Thailand, Yanhee serves thousands of local and overseas patients annually, filling an important niche in plastic surgery and general medicine. Yanheeâs brand of treatments is unique. Beauty treatments and plastic surgeries are incorporated into the framework of a 400-bed medically licensed institution, assuring the highest quality of medical services. Our doctors have excellent training backgrounds reinforced by years of experience, thousands of patients treated, and procedures performed. Our medical support staff is composed of professionals honed to deliver services carefully and efficiently and always reminded of the fact that tender loving care is essential for the healing process of patients, especially for foreign patients who are far from the comforts of home. The wide range of cosmetic, plastic surgery, and various medical services offered â from the heart, kidney, obstetrics, pediatrics, and other medical centers, to breast augmentations, facelifts, tummy-tuck procedures, liposuctions, botox injections, dental whitening, facial treatments, hair transplants, etc. â makes Yanhee a âone-stop shopâ for health and beauty. The rates for our services are neither the cheapest nor the most expensive in Thailand, but assuredly it offers the best that money can buy. These rates are reasonable, affordable, and above all, transparent. I have learned through the years that the longing to be healed from physical infirmity, or the need to rise above oneâs physical imperfections and be beautiful too, are universal feelings. To many, it is a quest that must be taken, irrespective of the expense in time, money and effort.