Winner Group
Thailand | Bangkok
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Last updated 6 days ago
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Winner Group
Thailand | Bangkok
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Last updated 6 days ago
Winner Group
Thailand | Surat Thani
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Last updated 2 weeks ago
Winner Group
Thailand | Bangkok
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Last updated 1 month ago
Winner Group
Thailand | Bangkok
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Last updated 1 month ago
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Winner Group Enterprise Public Company Limited (âthe Company or Winnerâ) was founded in 1983 by a group of experts in food science and technology led by Mr. Jane Wongisariyakul with fully-paid registered capital of 1 million baht. At present, Winner engages in the business of importing, manufacturing and distributing of raw materials, food ingredients and food chemical used in food processing from all over the world such as potato starch, modified starch, wheat starch, egg power, thickener and gelling agent, stabilizer, cocoa, preservative, artificial sweetening agent and other kinds of food chemical. In 2004, the Company expanded its business by acquiring the factory for production lines of food additive and premix such as icing sugar, and sugar used in food industry, baking powder, thickening agent, seasoning etc. With the expertise and skills in supplying of raw materials, food chemical related in food industry and strong sales teams that understand our customersâ business, the Company could supply suitable productsmet our customer needs. The Company expanded our product range, distribution channels and customer base to new groups of customers who are likely to grow continuously in various types of food industry. Additionally, the Company expanded into consumer products under the world leading brand such as Pop Secret microwave popcorn, Streamline fruit jam, Harvey Fresh juice distributed in modern trade and traditional trade channel and expanded our customer base to food service business such as hotels restaurants, catering (HoReCa) and other retail traders including E-commerce to expand new customers in online segment. In 2018, The company acquired the business Aesthetic Zecret (AT-ZE) Company Limited which is an OEM business for skincare and cosmetic, makeup, supplementary food and herb. The propose is to strengthen the business expansion from food distributors to the OEM business for skincare and cosmetic, makeup, supplementary food and herb. In 2021. The company has purchasedordinary share of Winner Agro Innovation Co., Ltd. 45% of Registered capital which operate business to production and distribution of raw materials, seedling varieties, hemp extract and the kind of agricultural products.