Application Developer
Vatana Phaisal Engineering Co., Ltd. (Si Mahosot, Prachin Buri)
Prachin Buri,
It has always been our pride to talk about the ins and outs of our company. Mr. Thongyoo Tantikijrungruang, founder of Vatana Phaisal Engineering begins a legend of his beloved company in 1961 with his fondness and attachment in the art of metal craftsmanship which might have passed down to him from his ancestors working in the field of shipbuilding.
Working in a small shop area of only 14,000 square meters in Samrong, with basic tools and technology at its inception stage, Vatana Phaisal has nowadays expanded its main factory to Khao Hin Sorn in Prachinburi Province. At this new plant, we have 15 large workshops with total shop area of 532,800 square meters with hi-tech and up-to-date equipment and machinery.
We also have 2 factories in Rayong Province. One of them specializes in pipe spooling fabrication. The 142,013 square-meter modularization area near deep sea port in Sattaheep is made readily available as well for convenience of huge modularized equipment transport. Our founder loved the charm of industrial production and machinery. He found it interesting to do something different every day. From problems to ideas, then came up with prototypes, and at last prototypes came into reality. Mr. Thongyoo designed the âswimming fishâ logo to remind all of us at VPE to never stop learning of new things and fighting with problems, like the fish that never stops swimming.
About this position
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