Thai-German Meat Product Co., Ltd.

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  • Thai-German Meat Product Co., Ltd.

    QC Supervisor

    Thai-German Meat Product Co., Ltd.

    Thailand | Chachoengsao

    Be among first to apply

    Last updated 1 week ago

  • Thai-German Meat Product Co., Ltd.


    Thai-German Meat Product Co., Ltd.

    Thailand | Chachoengsao

    Be among first to apply

    Last updated 3 weeks ago

  • Thai-German Meat Product Co., Ltd.


    Thai-German Meat Product Co., Ltd.

    Thailand | Samut Prakan

    Be among first to apply

    Last updated 1 month ago

QC Supervisor

Thai-German Meat Product Co., Ltd. (Well Grow Industrial Estate Chachoengsao)
Chachoengsao, Thailand ðŸ‡đ🇭
The company was founded as Thai Sausage Limited Partnership on October 19, 1963 by Mr. Bunsong Srisiam. The company’s first office was a small one story shop house on South Sathorn Road specialized in the production of western meat products; in example, sausages, ham and bacon under “Two Pigs” brand. Mr. Bunsong was the first Thai to produce meat products using western technology and high quality imported ingredients. Our products were quickly accepted by the market for its taste and wide product rage. With increasing demand, the company relocated its production plant to Sathupradit Road in 1972. The year 1993 marked an important step for Thai Sausage by joining with Schaefer Fleischwaren GmbH of Mannheim, Germany to form Thai-German Meat Product Company Limited (TGM). TGM invested in a new 5 rai processing plant in Wellgrow Industrial Estate, Chachoensao Province to continue its commitment in quality, innovation and food safety for both local and international markets. To better serve its domestic and international customers, a new TGM factory 2 was recently completed in the fourth quarter of 2015. The new factory is equipped with the latest systems, machineries and equipments to enhance the company’s value.

About this position

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About Thai-German Meat Product Co., Ltd.

The company was founded as Thai Sausage Limited Partnership on October 19, 1963 by Mr. Bunsong Srisiam. The company’s first office was a small one story shop house on South Sathorn Road specialized in the production of western meat products; in example, sausages, ham and bacon under “Two Pigs” brand. Mr. Bunsong was the first Thai to produce meat products using western technology and high quality imported ingredients. Our products were quickly accepted by the market for its taste and wide product rage. With increasing demand, the company relocated its production plant to Sathupradit Road in 1972. The year 1993 marked an important step for Thai Sausage by joining with Schaefer Fleischwaren GmbH of Mannheim, Germany to form Thai-German Meat Product Company Limited (TGM). TGM invested in a new 5 rai processing plant in Wellgrow Industrial Estate, Chachoensao Province to continue its commitment in quality, innovation and food safety for both local and international markets. To better serve its domestic and international customers, a new TGM factory 2 was recently completed in the fourth quarter of 2015. The new factory is equipped with the latest systems, machineries and equipments to enhance the company’s value.