PT. Wonokoyo Jaya Corporindo (Wonokoyo Group)

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  • PT. Wonokoyo Jaya Corporindo (Wonokoyo Group)

    Learning and Development Manager

    PT. Wonokoyo Jaya Corporindo (Wonokoyo Group)

    Indonesia | East Java

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    Last updated 1 week ago

Learning and Development Manager

PT. Wonokoyo Jaya Corporindo (Wonokoyo Group) (Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia)
East Java, Indonesia 🇮🇩
PT. Wonokoyo Jaya Corporindo along with various business units are united into WONOKOYO GROUP is a company engaged in the Integrated Poultry Industry. Founded in 1983 at the Wonokoyo village, Pasuruan, East Java, as the company's production of Day Old Chick (Breeding Farm). In a relatively short time, WONOKOYO GROUP successfully positioned itself as the top poultry business is highly regarded in Indonesia. Vision: Being a Market Leader and the Best Integrated Poultry Company in Indonesia. Mission: Continuous Improve Quality, Productivity and Customer Satisfaction and Service Provide Benefits to Employees, Suppliers and Shareholders Product: 1. DOC (Day Old Chick, Bibit Ayam) - Broiler : WONCHICK - Layer : 888 ISA BROWN 2. Feedmill 3. Chicken Meat (Carcasses) : 808 4. Processed Meat (Nugget, Sausage) : GOLDSTAR; 808 and NgeToP 5. Fish Feed

About this position

Posisi Learning and Development Manager bertanggung jawab untuk menyusun dan mengelola strategi pelatihan dan pengembangan yang mendukung visi dan tujuan perusahaan.


• Menyusun strategi pelatihan dan pengembangan yang selaras dengan visi dan tujuan perusahaan.
• Mengidentifikasi kebutuhan pelatihan melalui analisis kesenjangan keterampilan dan wawancara dengan manajer atau karyawan.
• Mengelola proses implementasi pelatihan, mulai dari persiapan hingga evaluasi.
• Mengevaluasi efektivitas program pelatihan dan menyusun laporan hasil pelatihan.
• Membangun program pelatihan yang sesuai untuk semua level organisasi dan memastikan partisipasi aktif.


• Minimal S1 Manajemen SDM, Psikologi, Pendidikan, atau bidang terkait.
• Berpengalaman minimal 5 tahun dalam bidang pelatihan dan pengembangan.
• Memiliki kemampuan analisis kebutuhan pelatihan dan menyusun rencana pengembangan yang efektif.
• Memiliki Kemampuan berpikir strategis dalam merancang program pengembangan kompetensi karyawan.
• Memiliki kemampuan leadership yang kuat.
• Penempatan di Surabaya dan siap untuk Dinas Luar.

About PT. Wonokoyo Jaya Corporindo (Wonokoyo Group)

PT. Wonokoyo Jaya Corporindo along with various business units are united into WONOKOYO GROUP is a company engaged in the Integrated Poultry Industry. Founded in 1983 at the Wonokoyo village, Pasuruan, East Java, as the company's production of Day Old Chick (Breeding Farm). In a relatively short time, WONOKOYO GROUP successfully positioned itself as the top poultry business is highly regarded in Indonesia. Vision: Being a Market Leader and the Best Integrated Poultry Company in Indonesia. Mission: Continuous Improve Quality, Productivity and Customer Satisfaction and Service Provide Benefits to Employees, Suppliers and Shareholders Product: 1. DOC (Day Old Chick, Bibit Ayam) - Broiler : WONCHICK - Layer : 888 ISA BROWN 2. Feedmill 3. Chicken Meat (Carcasses) : 808 4. Processed Meat (Nugget, Sausage) : GOLDSTAR; 808 and NgeToP 5. Fish Feed