PT Summarecon Agung, Tbk

Career opportunities at PT Summarecon Agung, Tbk

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  • PT Summarecon Agung, Tbk

    Casual Leasing & Sponsorship Officer

    PT Summarecon Agung, Tbk

    Indonesia | West Java

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    Last updated 3 weeks ago

  • PT Summarecon Agung, Tbk

    Banquet sales executive

    PT Summarecon Agung, Tbk

    Indonesia | Banten

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    Last updated 4 weeks ago

Casual Leasing & Sponsorship Officer

PT Summarecon Agung, Tbk (Bandung, West Java, Indonesia)
West Java, Indonesia 🇮🇩
PT. Summarecon Agung Tbk (“Summarecon”) was founded in 1975 by Mr. Soetjipto Nagaria and his associates to undertake real estate construction and development. Starting with a 10-hectare of marsh land in the then backwaters of Jakarta, the founders managed to transform Kelapa Gading into one of the most affluent residential and commercial areas in Jakarta. And over the years Summarecon has built a reputation as one of the leading property players in Indonesia, especially in the development of townships

About this position

Posisi Casual Leasing & Sponsorship Officer bertanggung jawab untuk mencari prospektif sponsorship dan casual leasing serta mengelola dokumen dan acara terkait.


• Mencari prospektif Sponsorship dan Casual Leasing
• Mempersiapkan dokumen yang berhubungan dengan sponsorship
• Mengontrol jalannya acara dari persiapan, pelaksanaan hingga pertanggungjawaban
• Menegosiasikan perjanjian sewa dengan kepatuhan kebijakan pusat perbelanjaan
• Memastikan kepatuhan terhadap regulasi casual leasing


• Pendidikan minimal D3/S1 semua jurusan
• Pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun di casual leasing dalam industri perbelanjaan
• Pemahaman mendalam tentang casual leasing, negosiasi sewa, dan kontrak
• Memiliki kemampuan skill komunikasi, manajemen project dan interpresonal yang baik
• Fasih dalam Bahasa Inggris
• Detail-oriented dan kepatuhan terhadap aturan casual leasing
• Penempatan di Summarecon Mall Bandung

About PT Summarecon Agung, Tbk

PT. Summarecon Agung Tbk (“Summarecon”) was founded in 1975 by Mr. Soetjipto Nagaria and his associates to undertake real estate construction and development. Starting with a 10-hectare of marsh land in the then backwaters of Jakarta, the founders managed to transform Kelapa Gading into one of the most affluent residential and commercial areas in Jakarta. And over the years Summarecon has built a reputation as one of the leading property players in Indonesia, especially in the development of townships