PT Samora Usaha Makmur (SAMORA Group) (Medan, North Sumatra)
North Sumatera,
Join Samora Group!
Everyday at Samora group is an opportunity to make a difference, with the emphasis on personal and professional growth. All it takes is an accountable individual with integrity, respect, passion for winning and continuously striving to become better day by day.
Our team takes pride in what we do and are always on the lookout for talented individuals who share the same passion in contributing to the vision and mission of the organization.
Our Mission
to bring positive development and change.
Our Vision
to be Indonesia's leading life essential company.
What Every Samoran Believes :
Excellent People Development
The future of Samora lies on our greatest asset: people.
Healthy Financial Growth
Sustainable financial growth as a means to achieve all of the other values and objectives.
Sustainable Socio Economic Development
Our business must be inclusive, socially responsible, and environmentally sustainable.
Excellent Products & Services Quality
We drive and equip our subsidiaries to be at their maximum potentials in delivering best products and services.
Posisi ini bertanggung jawab untuk mengelola dan mengendalikan dokumen serta rekaman mutu dalam perusahaan yang tersertifikasi.
• Menjalankan prosedur pengendalian dokumen dan rekaman mutu
• Melakukan pengendalian terhadap status informasi terdokumentasi baik penerbitan, perubahan, penarikan, pencabutan, penyimpanan dan pemusnahan dokumen
• Memeriksa persyaratan informasi terdokumentasi saat proses pengajuan baik pada formulir, keaslian dokumen dan tanggal kadaluarsa
• Melakukan registrasi dokumen kedalam bentuk elektronik dokumen
• Melaksanakan pelatihan terkait implementasi sistem manajemen mutu dan keamanan pangan
• Melakukan pengendalian dan pemantauan terhadap dokumen perusahaan
• Pendidikan min. D3 semua jurusan
• Memiliki pengalaman kerja sebagai Document Control di perusahaan yang tersertifikasi ISO 9001, ISO 22000, FSSC 22000, HAS 23000, ISO 14001 dsb.
• Memahami sistem jaminan halal
• Memiliki ketelitian yang baik
• Mampu mengoperasikan komputer dan Ms. Office
• Memiliki analisa yang baik
Huneety A.I Salary Estimate
5,000,000 - 10,000,000 IDR per month
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