PT Mega Akses Persada (FiberStar) (Magelang, Central Java)
Central Java,
ndonesia's robust IT market has paved the way for increasing demand in IT infrastructure, products and services. To answer the market demand, FiberStar being the leader in the FTTx industry is responsible for designing, building and operating the high quality network infrastructure as a mean of providing perfect solutions for customers'​ needs, eliminating last mile problems.
With 100% Fiber Optic, our network is being built in an open access architecture, allowing both enterprise customers to enhance their service delivery and enabling telecommunication service providers to deliver TRIPLE PLAY service.
FiberStar has been making progress and will continue to focus on delivering QUAD PLAY ready network across 200 cities in Indonesia. Our network will assure customers to develop their business with no boundaries.
Posisi ini bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan kegiatan operasional harian dan kualitas pekerjaan vendor sesuai dengan ketentuan dan kesepakatan.
• Memastikan kegiatan operasional harian serta kualitas pekerjaan vendor sesuai ketentuan dan kesepakatan
• Mengumpulkan serta memproses Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP) & Qualification Test Procedure (QTP)
• Mengumpulkan data Home Passed sesuai dengan proyek dengan melakukan survey lapangan
• Membantu Analyst untuk membuat laporan progress proyek update harian
• Pendidikan minimal D3; Diutamakan jurusan teknik sipil, elektro, telekomunikasi
• Pengalaman di bidang yang sama minimal 1 tahun
• Jujur, pekerja keras, dan teliti
• Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan manajemen waktu yang baik
• Menguasai pekerjaan instalasi dan mengetahui pekerjaan CME
• Menguasai FTTH dan survey Homepass
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