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Supervisor Development Program

PT Garland Cantik Indonesia (Dear Me Beauty) (Central Jakarta, Jakarta)
DKI Jakarta, Indonesia 🇮🇩
We are the people-powered brand that believes in the everyday Indonesian women, who are passionate in continually bringing a better version of beauty and making it accessible for everyone. As a people driven brand we seek out to understand the needs of consumers with an open mind through developing and formulating products that instill integrity, quality, and one that supports the local Indonesian market. Our founders have always put the people first in mind and listens intently from day one Dear Me Beauty began, to always raise the bar and strive in only providing the best for our market.

About this position

Supervisor Development Program (Leadership Program) is open for fresh graduates with a strong interest in business development and sales. The program involves full engagement in management through various roles and responsibilities.


• Pendidikan S1 Segala Jurusan
• Terbuka untuk Fresh Graduated, pengalaman kerja di bidang Sales maksimal 1 tahun.
• Memiliki ketertarikan yang kuat dalam hal pengembangan bisnis dan sales.
• Memiliki kemauan untuk mempelajari dan terlibat penuh dalam management melalui berbagai peran dan tanggung jawab.
• Lebih disukai apabila memiliki pengalaman kepemimpinan baik di dalam kampus maupun organisasi.
• Mampu mengoperasikan Microsoft Office
• Mampu berbicara dan menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris
• Bersedia menjalani masa Supervisor Development Program selama 6 bulan.
• Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas keluar kota dan memiliki mobilisasi yang tinggi.


• S1 degree in any field
• Open to Fresh Graduates, with maximum 1 year of work experience in Sales.
• Strong interest in business development and sales.
• Willingness to learn and fully engage in management through various roles and responsibilities.
• Preferably with leadership experience in campus or organizations.
• Proficient in Microsoft Office.
• Fluent in speaking and writing in English.
• Willing to undergo the Supervisor Development Program for 6 months.
• Willing to travel out of town for business trips and have high mobility.