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Senior Financing Sales Officer

PT Bank Sinarmas Tbk (Jakarta, Indonesia)
DKI Jakarta, Indonesia 🇮🇩
PT. Bank Sinarmas Tbk. was established on August 18th 1989 with a vision to be the leading bank in Indonesia with an integrated distribution network and excellent service performance. PT. Bank Sinarmas Tbk. is stepping forward to continuously developing and innovating with high spirit and commitment from shareholders, managers, and employees to improve the services'​ quality with the highest standard to meet the customers expectation and along by a strong financial structure. Those will make Bank Sinarmas as the Leading Bank in Indonesia. As our vision stated, Bank Sinarmas provides various services, such as Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, Online Deposits and many more that are provided to fulfill the needs of Bank Sinarmas customers.

About this position

Posisi Senior Financing Sales Officer bertanggung jawab untuk memasarkan produk pembiayaan dan membina hubungan baik dengan debitur.


• Memasarkan produk pembiayaan,
• Analisa terhadap calon debitur,
• Membina hubungan baik dengan debitur,
• Melakukan monitoring nasabah.


• Minimal pendidikan S1 dari berbagai jurusan,
• Memiliki pengalaman minimal 2 tahun sebagai marketing kredit,
• Dapat bekerja secara individual maupun dalam team,
• Memiliki teknik negosiasi dan strategi marketing untuk peningkatan penjualan.