PT.ASUKA ENGINEERING INDONESIA. is an engineering contracting company founded in early 2000 by a Japanese engineer who is an expert and experienced in the field of electrical and instrumentation technology. The company has specialized in the field of electrical & instrumentation including Engineering, Procurement, Fabrication & Installation as well as the development of an electrical system and instrumentation.
Aided by several experts from Indonesia, which has the potential, high quality and dedication, he developed a corporate system that is able to develop the potential of the Indonesian nation to move forward in the rapid technological change, especially in the field of electrical and instrumentation. So in the end this company grow and gain the confidence of pelangganya and quickly became one of the electrical and instrumentation contracting company in Indonesia.
Over time and increasing customer demand to other areas of specialization, it is to answer all these challenges so that PT.ASUKA ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING INDONESIA, changed its name to PT. ASUKA ENGINEERING INDONESIA.
Posisi HSE Coordinator bertanggung jawab untuk mengaudit, merencanakan, melaksanakan, dan mengawasi pekerjaan terkait kesehatan, keselamatan, dan lingkungan di lokasi proyek.
• Mengaudit dan melaksanakan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pengawasan kerja.
• Memberikan peraturan-peraturan standart dalam setiap Prosedur pekerjaan.
• Menjadi penyambung informasi perusahaan dengan pihak HSE di lokasi proyek maupun di Unit pekerjaan.
• Merecruit calon karyawan pada divisi health, safety, environment yang sesuai kualifikasi.
• Bertanggung jawab terhadap kelancaran pelaksanaan proyek dari aspek HSE.
• Bertanggung jawab terhadap keselamatan kerja dan keamanan dilokasi proyek serta anak buahnya seperti safety officer, safety supervisor, safety engineer, safety admin, safety man dll.
• Pendidikan min. D3 / S1 All Major
• Pengalaman min. 3 tahun sebagai HSE Coordinator di bidang konstruksi & Migas
• Memiliki Sertifikat Kemenaker AK3 Umum & First Aider Kemenaker
• Mampu Bahasa Inggris aktif (min. TOEFL 450)
• Mampu mengoperasikan Microsoft Office, AutoCAD
• Lebih diutamakan domisili Riau
• Penempatan : Hulu Rokan, Riau
Huneety A.I Salary Estimate
5,000,000 - 8,000,000 IDR per month
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