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PT Amidis Tirta Mulia (Semarang, Central Java)
Central Java, Indonesia 🇮🇩
PT Amidis Tirta Mulia berdiri sejak tahun 1997. Dengan pengalaman lebih dari 10 tahun di bidang Air Minum Dalam Kemasan, PT Amidis Tirta Mulia ingin terus memberikan kualitas produk dan pelayanan yang terbaik bagi konsumennya. Kami mempunyai komitmen untuk terus melakukan perbaikan dalam segala lini bisnis perusahaan dan memberikan kepuasan kepada konsumen. Komitmen ini telah kami tuangkan dengan diperolehnya sertifikasi ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System (UKAS Management System) untuk standarisasi prosedur Sistem Manajemen Mutu. & ISO 22000: 2005 Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Pangan. Serta telah bersertifikasi HALAL dari MUI.

About this position

The Staff QC&LAB position is responsible for implementing SNI standards for employees, conducting inspections of raw materials and products throughout the process, instructing GMP activities to all GMP operators, and controlling product quality during the process.


• Responsible for implementing SNI standards for employees
• Conduct inspections of raw materials and products throughout the process
• Instruct GMP activities to all GMP operators
• Control product quality during the process and take action on deviations that occur


• Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering / Industrial Engineering / Laboratory
• Minimum 2 years of experience as a QC in food/beverage products, experience in bottled drinking water (AMDK) is preferred
• Proficient in laboratory work
• Able to work both in a team and individually
• Good communication and leadership skills
• Familiar with GMP, SNI, and HALAL standards
• Placement in Bawen, Semarang Regency


Huneety A.I Salary Estimate
5,000,000 - 7,000,000 IDR per month