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Supervisor QC

Makmur Group (Cirebon, West Java)
West Java, Indonesia 🇮🇩
Established in 1997, PT.Makmur Artha Sejahtera began its business by manufacturing and marketing Jelly products, which vary in types and packaging. the product’s prices are considerably affordable to Indonesia market. In just almost a decade, with the company ongoing expansion, the product varieties also grow accordingly Today, beside Jelly product, PT. MAKMUR ARTHA SEJAHTERA also produces range of drinks products in variety packaging and flavors. This addition undoubtedly balanced with the growth of marketing area coverage, which has covered nearly all areas in Indonesia. With highly supporting partners, such as the Banks, suppliers, customers and other parties, PT. MAKMUR ARTHA SEJAHTERA to constantly provide the best service and quality towards its customers. As a result, PT. MAKMUR ARTHA SEJAHTERA recognized as one of the top 5 company of Indonesia Best Brand Award (IBBA) 2006 by SWA Magazine.

About this position

Posisi Supervisor QC bertanggung jawab untuk melakukan supervisi dan memastikan kualitas produk sesuai dengan prosedur yang berlaku.


• Melakukan supervisi hasil pengecekan kualitas oleh QC Lapang
• Melakukan supervisi pengaturan kerja QC Lapang oleh Team Leader
• Memastikan parameter produksi dilakukan sesuai prosedur yang berlaku
• Melakukan koordinasi terkait isu-isu kualitas


• Pendidikan minimal S1 Teknik Kimia, Teknologi Pangan dengan IPK minimal 3.00
• Pengalaman di perusahaan Manufacturing Makanan/Minuman minimal 3 Tahun
• Memahami GMP/HACCP
• Terrbiasa menangani complain costumer & paham melakukan trace product
• Memahami ISO 9001:2015, IATF 16949:2016 dan Good laboratorium practice
• Memahami ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, konsep Kaizen, dan Total Productive Maintence (TPM)
• Handling customer complain/new project (R&D)
• Memahami trouble shooting & Food Safety
• Siap untuk di shift maupun long shift
• Bersedia bekerja di bawah tekanan
• Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan, komunikatif, jujur, disiplin, dan dapat bekerja sama dalam tim maupun individu
• Memiliki surat keterangan sehat dari Rumah Sakit
• Wajib sudah vaksin min dosis 3/booster
• Domisili Cirebon (penempatan Kab.Cirebon)


Huneety A.I Salary Estimate
10,000,000 - 28,000,000 IDR per month