Louis Adhesive Tape Products Co., Ltd.

Career opportunities at Louis Adhesive Tape Products Co., Ltd.

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  • Louis Adhesive Tape Products Co., Ltd.

    āļŠāđˆāļēāļ‡āļ‹āđˆāļ­āļĄāļšāļģāļĢāļļāļ‡ (āļŠāļĨāļšāļļāļĢāļĩ)

    Louis Adhesive Tape Products Co., Ltd.

    Thailand | Chonburi

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    Last updated 3 weeks ago

  • Louis Adhesive Tape Products Co., Ltd.

    āļŠāđˆāļēāļ‡āļžāļīāļĄāļžāđŒāđ€āļŸāļĨāđ‡āļāđ‚āļ‹āđˆ/āļāļĢāļēāđ€āļ§āļĩāļĒāļĢāđŒ (āļŠāļĨāļšāļļāļĢāļĩ)

    Louis Adhesive Tape Products Co., Ltd.

    Thailand | Chonburi

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    Last updated 3 weeks ago

  • Louis Adhesive Tape Products Co., Ltd.

    āļžāļ™āļąāļāļ‡āļēāļ™āļ‚āļąāļšāļĢāļ–āđ‚āļŸāļĨāđŒāļ„āļĨāļīāļŸāļ—āđŒ (āļŠāļĨāļšāļļāļĢāļĩ)

    Louis Adhesive Tape Products Co., Ltd.

    Thailand | Chonburi

    Be among first to apply

    Last updated 3 weeks ago

āļŠāđˆāļēāļ‡āļ‹āđˆāļ­āļĄāļšāļģāļĢāļļāļ‡ (āļŠāļĨāļšāļļāļĢāļĩ)

Louis Adhesive Tape Products Co., Ltd. (āļŠāļĨāļšāļļāļĢāļĩ āđ€āļĄāļ·āļ­āļ‡āļŠāļĨāļšāļļāļĢāļĩ)
Chonburi, Thailand ðŸ‡đ🇭
Established since 1973, it is one of the first manufacturers of adhesive tapes in Thailand. And has received investment promotion from the Board of Investment (BOI) with continuous development for more than 40 years. Today, the company is the largest producer of crepe paper tape and rubber-adhesive OPP tape in Southeast Asia. and is the second largest producer of cellulose tape in the world, with a total of more than 500 employees. The head office is in the heart of Bangkok, with 2 factories in Chonburi and Samut Prakan. The company uses modern production technology from abroad and the ISO9001:2015 quality management system to produce quality adhesive tape products. Sold to customers both domestically and abroad in more than 30 countries around the world. Under the quality trademarks LOUIS TAPE, INTER TAPE, KOLA TAPE, POLYSEAL, SWALLOW and CENTER TAPE.

About this position

āļĢāļđāļ›āđāļšāļšāļ‡āļēāļ™ : āļ‡āļēāļ™āļ›āļĢāļ°āļˆāļģ
āļˆāļģāļ™āļ§āļ™āļ—āļĩāđˆāļĢāļąāļš : 1 āļ•āļģāđāļŦāļ™āđˆāļ‡
āļŠāļ–āļēāļ™āļ—āļĩāđˆāļ›āļāļīāļšāļąāļ•āļīāļ‡āļēāļ™ : āļŠāļĨāļšāļļāļĢāļĩ(āđ€āļĄāļ·āļ­āļ‡āļŠāļĨāļšāļļāļĢāļĩ)
āđ€āļ‡āļīāļ™āđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™(āļšāļēāļ—) : āļ•āļēāļĄāļ•āļāļĨāļ‡
āļ§āļąāļ™āļŦāļĒāļļāļ” : āļ§āļąāļ™āļ­āļēāļ—āļīāļ•āļĒāđŒ
āđ€āļ§āļĨāļēāļ—āļģāļ‡āļēāļ™ : 08:00 - 17:00
āđ€āļ§āļĨāļēāļ—āļģāļ‡āļēāļ™āļ­āļ·āđˆāļ™ : āđ„āļĄāđˆāļĢāļ°āļšāļļ



āļ”āļģāđ€āļ™āļīāļ™āļ‡āļēāļ™āļ•āļēāļĄāđāļœāļ™āļ‡āļēāļ™āļ‚āļ­āļ‡āđāļœāļ™āļāļ‹āđˆāļ­āļĄāļšāļģāļĢāļļāļ‡ āļ—āļąāđ‰āļ‡ PM āđāļĨāļ°āļ‡āļēāļ™āļ—āļĩāđˆāđ„āļ”āđ‰āļĢāļąāļšāļˆāļēāļāļāļēāļĢāđāļˆāđ‰āļ‡āļ‹āđˆāļ­āļĄ
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āļžāļąāļ’āļ™āļēāļ•āļ™āđ€āļ­āļ‡āđƒāļŦāđ‰āļĄāļĩāļ›āļĢāļ°āļŠāļīāļ—āļ˜āļīāļ āļēāļžāđāļĨāļ°āđ€āļāļīāļ”āļ„āļ§āļēāļĄāļ›āļĨāļ­āļ”āļ āļąāļĒāđƒāļ™āļāļēāļĢāļ—āļģāļ‡āļēāļ™


āđ€āļžāļĻ : āļŠāļēāļĒ
āļ­āļēāļĒāļļ(āļ›āļĩ) : 20 - 35
āļĢāļ°āļ”āļąāļšāļāļēāļĢāļĻāļķāļāļĐāļē : āļ›āļ§āļŠ. - āļ›āļ§āļŠ.
āļ›āļĢāļ°āļŠāļšāļāļēāļĢāļ“āđŒ(āļ›āļĩ) : 1āļ›āļĩāļ‚āļķāđ‰āļ™āđ„āļ›
āļ­āļ·āđˆāļ™āđ† : āđ„āļĄāđˆāļĢāļ°āļšāļļ

āļ›āļ§āļŠ., āļ›āļ§āļŠ.āļŠāļēāļ‚āļēāļŠāđˆāļēāļ‡āļāļĨ,āļŠāđˆāļēāļ‡āļĒāļ™āļ•āđŒ āļŦāļĢāļ·āļ­āļŠāļēāļ‚āļēāļ­āļ·āđˆāļ™ āđ† āļ—āļĩāđˆāđ€āļāļĩāđˆāļĒāļ§āļ‚āđ‰āļ­āļ‡
āļĄāļĩāļ„āļ§āļēāļĄāļĢāļđāđ‰āđ€āļāļĩāđˆāļĒāļ§āļāļąāļšāļ‡āļēāļ™āļ‹āđˆāļ­āļĄāđ€āļ„āļĢāļ·āđˆāļ­āļ‡āļˆāļąāļāļĢ āļŦāļĢāļ·āļ­āđ€āļāļĩāđˆāļĒāļ§āļāļąāļšāļ‡āļēāļ™āļ—āļĩāđˆāđ€āļāļĩāđˆāļĒāļ§āļ‚āđ‰āļ­āļ‡
āļ„āļ§āļēāļĄāļ›āļĨāļ­āļ”āļ āļąāļĒāđƒāļ™āļāļēāļĢāļ—āļģāļ‡āļēāļ™āđāļĨāļ° 5 āļŠ.
āļāļēāļĢāđƒāļŠāđ‰āļ­āļļāļ›āļāļĢāļ“āđŒāđ€āļ„āļĢāļ·āđˆāļ­āļ‡āļĄāļ·āļ­āļ­āļĒāđˆāļēāļ‡āļ›āļĢāļ°āļŦāļĒāļąāļ” āļ–āļđāļāļ•āđ‰āļ­āļ‡āđāļĨāļ°āļ›āļĨāļ­āļ”āļ āļąāļĒ

About Louis Adhesive Tape Products Co., Ltd.

Established since 1973, it is one of the first manufacturers of adhesive tapes in Thailand. And has received investment promotion from the Board of Investment (BOI) with continuous development for more than 40 years. Today, the company is the largest producer of crepe paper tape and rubber-adhesive OPP tape in Southeast Asia. and is the second largest producer of cellulose tape in the world, with a total of more than 500 employees. The head office is in the heart of Bangkok, with 2 factories in Chonburi and Samut Prakan. The company uses modern production technology from abroad and the ISO9001:2015 quality management system to produce quality adhesive tape products. Sold to customers both domestically and abroad in more than 30 countries around the world. Under the quality trademarks LOUIS TAPE, INTER TAPE, KOLA TAPE, POLYSEAL, SWALLOW and CENTER TAPE.