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Thailand | Nonthaburi
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Career opportunities at GOLDENDUCK INTERNATIONAL
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Thailand | Nonthaburi
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Thailand | Nonthaburi
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Thailand | Nonthaburi
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GOLDENDUCK GROUP is known as the cinema system integrator leader in South East Asia. During the last 20+ years, we have constantly brought and introduced new cinema technology, improve and expand our services to meet our South East Asia clients growing demand. Weâre proud to be part of our clientâs success by continuously work and improve our clientâs projection and sound system in cinema in order to serve their customer better. With our growing expertise, GOLDENDUCK GROUP has also established into other segments which required audio and visual expertise e.g. Production Studio, Post Production, Exhibition Hall, Smart Meeting room, IP streaming, and many more. As of today, GOLDENDUCK GROUP employed all together more than 200 staffs with its offices located in 5 different countries in South East Asia. (Thailand, Singapore,Malaysia, Philppines and Vietnam) Weâre providing services to more than 3,000 screens in South East Asia.