Enumerator - South Sulawesi
DT Global (Indonesia) (South Sulawesi, Indonesia)
South Sulawesi,
DT Global works in partnership with communities, governments, and the private sector to deliver innovative solutions that transform lives. DT Global—launched in 2019—is built on legacy companies AECOM International Development’s Services Sector, Development Transformations, IMC Worldwide, and Cardno International Development. To fulfill its profit-for- purpose mission, DT Global is a key donor to the DT Institute, an independent not-for-profit organization, in support of DTI’s efforts to test new ideas or expand on donor partner priorities with the aim to improve as many lives as possible.
Our global team of 2,500 staff and experts work in over 90 countries. We bring over 60 years of experience, relationships,
and technical excellence to improve lives on behalf of our partners, clients, and stakeholders. We aim to maximize sustainable development impact across a wide range of practice areas, including Conflict Prevention, Stabilization & Transition; Economic Growth; Environment & Infrastructure; Governance; and Human Development. Together, we aim to positively impact 500 million lives by 2045.
About this position
The Enumerator position in South Sulawesi is part of the PROAKTIF Program, a three-year partnership aimed at strengthening Indonesia’s social protection policies and systems, focusing on poverty alleviation and inclusive economic growth.
• Mengumpulkan data dan informasi yang diperlukan untuk mendukung program PROAKTIF.
• Melakukan wawancara dengan responden untuk mendapatkan data yang akurat.
• Memastikan kualitas dan keakuratan data yang dikumpulkan.
• Bekerja sama dengan Tim Asistensi Kebijakan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat dalam pelaksanaan tugas.
• Menyusun laporan hasil pengumpulan data dan memberikan rekomendasi.
• Menghadiri pelatihan dan pertemuan yang relevan dengan tugas enumerator.
• Pendidikan minimal S1 di bidang terkait.
• Pengalaman dalam pengumpulan data atau survei lapangan.
• Kemampuan komunikasi yang baik dan mampu bekerja dalam tim.
• Memiliki keterampilan analitis dan perhatian terhadap detail.
• Mampu menggunakan perangkat lunak pengolahan data.
• Bersedia bekerja di lapangan dan melakukan perjalanan ke lokasi yang ditentukan.