Inventory Section Manager (āļāļĨāļāļāļŠāđāļāļāđāļģ āļāļĄ.19) āļŠāļĄāļļāļāļĢāļāļĢāļēāļāļēāļĢ
About this position
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âĒ to manage stock and system to reduce lose from claim and stock take.
âĒ To manage goods return received from store, storage and hand over goods to suppliers.
âĒ To make customer satisfaction.
âĒ Contact Customerâs IT Department and managerâs for system problems and handle the fixing.
âĒ Monitor and report on warehouse operation KPI.
âĒ Coordinate with warehouse operation supervisor on KPI improvement.
âĒ Assist the Manager to find out the solution of system problems and circulating Customerâs requests / complaints to concerned department.
âĒ etc.
âĒ Bachelorâs Degree in Related filed.
âĒ Minimum 2-3 years Warehousing experience, Customer Relationship Management Background.
âĒ Good command of written and spoken English, Computer literate.
âĒ Solid understanding of the principles of supply chain management & Warehousing.
âĒ Excellent communications & commercial skills.
âĒ Well developed people management skills; ability to lead and inspire teams to accomplish objectives.