Canadian Solar Inc. (Thailand)

Career opportunities at Canadian Solar Inc. (Thailand)

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  • Canadian Solar Inc. (Thailand)

    EHS - Fire Control Technician

    Canadian Solar Inc. (Thailand)

    Thailand | Chonburi

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    Last updated 5 days ago

  • Canadian Solar Inc. (Thailand)

    Recruiter (Chinese Speaking - WHA4 Plant)

    Canadian Solar Inc. (Thailand)

    Thailand | Rayong

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    Last updated 1 month ago

  • Canadian Solar Inc. (Thailand)

    PMC Officer (Chinese Speaking)

    Canadian Solar Inc. (Thailand)

    Thailand | Chonburi

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    Last updated 1 month ago

  • Canadian Solar Inc. (Thailand)

    Purchasing Officer (Chinese Speaking)

    Canadian Solar Inc. (Thailand)

    Thailand | Chonburi

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    Last updated 1 month ago

EHS - Fire Control Technician

Canadian Solar Inc. (Thailand) (Chon Buri)
Chonburi, Thailand ðŸ‡đ🇭
Canadian Solar was founded in 2001 in Canada and is one of the world's largest solar technology and renewable energy companies. It is a leading manufacturer of solar photovoltaic modules, inverters, and battery energy storage solutions and a developer of utility-scale solar power and battery energy storage projects with a geographically diversified pipeline in various stages of development. Over the past 23 years, Canadian Solar has successfully delivered over 125 GW of premium-quality solar photovoltaic modules to customers worldwide. Likewise, since entering the project development business in 2010, Canadian Solar has developed, built, and connected over 10 GWp of solar power projects and 3.3 GWh of battery energy storage projects worldwide. Currently, the Company’s total solar project development pipeline was 26.3 GWp, 6.5 GWp of projects under construction or in backlog (late-stage), and an additional 19.8 GWp of projects in advanced and early-stage pipeline. In addition, the Company has 600 MWh of battery energy storage projects in operation and a total battery energy storage project development pipeline of around 56 GWh, including approximately 4.3 GWh under construction or in backlog, and an additional 51.6 GWh at advanced and early-stage development.

About this position

The EHS - Fire Control Technician is responsible for fire safety management, including inspections, reporting, and emergency management to ensure compliance and safety in the workplace.


â€Ē Fire watch and exception handling, fire treatment and confirm, fire extinguishers, fire hydrant in field training education, dangerous operation positions inspection and reporting (contains standing book statistics)
â€Ē Daily inspection and contain standing book, statistic the same type problems missing repetitive from each department, daily inspection update recovery and processing, Inspection to improve confirmed, night shift industrial injury and accident investigation and reporting, emergency equipment inspect and maintain monthly
â€Ē Safety check weekly summary, ERC weekly report summary, the fire key position checks every 2 hours, mainframe exception handling, construction contractor registration statistics and daily announced, outlet water daily inspection and reporting (contains standing book statistics), exhaust gas daily inspection and reporting (contains standing book statistics), on-duty records completed and sent
â€Ē Public area fire hydrant checks and replacement, deal with fire protection request
â€Ē Tool spare parts standing book, check and management, monthly check (tool, spare parts) reporting
â€Ē Emergency management
â€Ē Other issues assigned by the leader


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About Canadian Solar Inc. (Thailand)

Canadian Solar was founded in 2001 in Canada and is one of the world's largest solar technology and renewable energy companies. It is a leading manufacturer of solar photovoltaic modules, inverters, and battery energy storage solutions and a developer of utility-scale solar power and battery energy storage projects with a geographically diversified pipeline in various stages of development. Over the past 23 years, Canadian Solar has successfully delivered over 125 GW of premium-quality solar photovoltaic modules to customers worldwide. Likewise, since entering the project development business in 2010, Canadian Solar has developed, built, and connected over 10 GWp of solar power projects and 3.3 GWh of battery energy storage projects worldwide. Currently, the Company’s total solar project development pipeline was 26.3 GWp, 6.5 GWp of projects under construction or in backlog (late-stage), and an additional 19.8 GWp of projects in advanced and early-stage pipeline. In addition, the Company has 600 MWh of battery energy storage projects in operation and a total battery energy storage project development pipeline of around 56 GWh, including approximately 4.3 GWh under construction or in backlog, and an additional 51.6 GWh at advanced and early-stage development.