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Head of Certification Section

Agung Podomoro Land (Tenjo, West Java)
West Java, Indonesia 🇮🇩
PT Agung Podomoro Land Tbk. (APLN) is a leading integrated diversified real estate owner, developer and manager in the retail, commercial, and residential real estate segments with diversified holdings. We have an integrated property development model, from land acquisition and/or sourcing, to design and development, to project management, sales, commercial leasing and marketing, to the operation and management of our superblock developments, shopping malls, offices, hotels, and residential apartments and houses. We are known as a pioneer of the superblock development.

About this position

The Head of Certification Section is responsible for processing certifications for released lands, mapping data using mapping programs like ArcGIS or Autocad, monitoring and checking the certification process for Siteplan or Masterplan, ensuring compliance with local government regulations, and ensuring completeness of land certificate administrative data.


• Memproses sertifikasi untuk tanah-tanah yang sudah dibebaskan
• Memproses pemetaan sesuai dengan data melalui program pemetaan seperti Arcgis atau Autocad
• Monitoring dan memeriksa proses pensertifikatan terhadap Siteplan atau Masterplan yang akan dibangun atau sedang direncanakan serta memastikan proses di pemerintah daerah telah sesuai dengan perencanaan.
• Memastikan kelengkapan data administrasi sertifikat tanah


• Pendidikan minimal S1 Program Studi Teknik Perencanaan Wilayah Tata dan Kota
• Pengalaman minimal 5 tahun di Head of Certification Section atau Urban Planning
• Berintegritas, memiliki kemampuan analisis data yang kuat, dan matang dalam bernegosiasi.
• Memiliki kemampuan dalam menggunakan program pemetaan ArcGIS dan Autocad


Huneety A.I Salary Estimate
25,000,000 - 50,000,000 IDR per month