Necessary skills for Tax Manager: skills and requirements

General requirements of a Tax Manager

• Bachelor’s degree in accounting, finance, or related field
• CPA license or equivalent
• Extensive knowledge of taxation laws and regulations
• Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills
• Strong communication and interpersonal skills

Skills and Behaviours for a Tax Manager

General Ledger
Business Management
Financial accounting
Financial Statement
Knowledge of regulatory frameworks
Policy & Compliance Management
Company Policies Compliance Management Data Compliance Legal Compliance Policy Control
Project management
Project Coordination
Tax Accounting
Corporate Tax Income Tax International Tax Tax Accounting Tax Preparation Tax Strategy Value Added Tax (VAT)
Analytical thinking
Gathering information and data Identifying cause and effect relationships
Consulting & Advising
Advising Consulting Counseling
Planning and organizing
Clarifying expectations of self and others Goal setting, planning and priorization Taking timely actions to ensure obligations are met

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