What is a Senior Demand Planning Manager doing? Job description and responsibilities

What does a Senior Demand Planning Manager do?

The Senior Demand Planning Manager is a critical member of the planning team and will report to the Head of Planning. This individual will be responsible for developing, implementing and managing demand planning processes across the organization. The ideal candidate will have strong analytical, communication, and organizational skills, as well as the ability to develop and maintain relationships across the organization. The Senior Demand Planning Manager will provide direction and guidance to the organization in order to maximize efficiency and meet customer demands. The role requires an individual who is highly organized and detail-oriented and is able to create and maintain planning models and processes. The successful

Responsibilities of Senior Demand Planning Manager

1. Develop and implement strategies to optimize demand planning processes and operational performance.
2. Monitor sales trends, market conditions and customer forecasts to identify potential opportunities and risks.
3. Develop and maintain accurate demand forecasts to ensure optimal inventory levels and stock availability.
4. Develop and maintain customer specific forecasting models that recognize seasonality and other trends.
5. Monitor and analyze customer ordering behavior to ensure accuracy of the demand forecast.
6. Ensure alignment between the sales, marketing and operations teams to ensure customer satisfaction.
7. Develop reporting and analytics to provide insights into demand planning performance.
8. Collaborate with other departments to manage demand planning initiatives.
9. Develop and implement plans to reduce inventory levels while maintaining customer service levels.
10. Lead and coach the demand planning team to ensure the highest levels of performance.

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