What is a Quality Control Manager doing? Job description and responsibilities

What does a Quality Control Manager do?

The Quality Control Manager is responsible for ensuring that all products manufactured by the company meet the highest standards of quality and safety. The Quality Control Manager will develop and implement quality control systems, coordinate product inspections, monitor production processes, and review product complaints. This position requires strong problem-solving, organizational, and communication skills. The successful candidate must be able to work independently and collaboratively to ensure the timely and efficient delivery of quality products.

Responsibilities of Quality Control Manager

1. Develop and implement quality control systems to ensure product and service standards are met.

2. Define and review quality control standards.

3. Monitor production processes and materials for compliance with quality and safety standards.

4. Develop and document inspection protocols and test procedures.

5. Analyze quality control test results and take corrective action when necessary.

6. Review customer complaints and take corrective action to prevent future complaints.

7. Train and supervise quality control staff.

8. Conduct internal and external audits to ensure compliance with quality standards.

9. Develop and implement methods to detect and correct defects.

10. Maintain records and statistical data related to quality control.

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