What is a Finance Department Manager doing? Job description and responsibilities

What does a Finance Department Manager do?

The Finance Department Manager is responsible for providing strategic, financial and operational leadership to the Finance Department. This role requires a strong understanding of financial principles, management of large teams, and experience in developing and executing financial strategies. The Manager will be responsible for overseeing all financial activities, including budgeting, forecasting, financial analysis, and financial reporting. Additionally, the Manager will be responsible for providing guidance to the department and developing new strategies to improve financial performance. The ideal candidate will have a broad range of financial, accounting, and business experience, as well as excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

Responsibilities of Finance Department Manager

1. Develop and implement financial policies and procedures
2. Prepare and oversee the annual budget and financial forecasting
3. Supervise and mentor finance staff
4. Monitor and analyze financial performance and provide periodic reports
5. Manage cash flow and oversee investments
6. Liaise with external auditors, banks and other financial institutions
7. Develop and maintain key financial relationships
8. Ensure compliance with all relevant financial regulations
9. Identify and assess potential risks and opportunities
10. Analyze and interpret financial data for business decision-making

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