What is a Document Controller doing? Job description and responsibilities


What does a Document Controller do?

The Document Controller is responsible for managing and organizing all company documents, ensuring accuracy, accessibility, and compliance with relevant regulations. This role involves maintaining an efficient document control system, tracking revisions, and facilitating document retrieval for internal and external stakeholders. The Document Controller reports to the Head of Operations, providing regular updates and collaborating with cross-functional teams to streamline document management processes.

Responsibilities of Document Controller

• Maintain and update the company's document control system.
• Ensure all documents are properly organized, labeled, and stored.
• Review and verify the accuracy and completeness of documents.
• Track and monitor document revisions and ensure proper version control.
• Distribute documents to relevant stakeholders and departments.
• Retrieve and provide requested documents to authorized personnel.
• Assist in the development and implementation of document control procedures.
• Conduct regular audits to ensure compliance with document control policies.
• Train employees on document control processes and procedures.
• Collaborate with cross-functional teams to improve document management processes.

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