What is a Demand Planning Associate Manager doing? Job description and responsibilities

What does a Demand Planning Associate Manager do?

The Demand Planning Associate Manager is responsible for leading the planning and forecasting activities for a specific product portfolio. This individual will ensure that short, medium and long term demand plans are developed and maintained to meet customer and sales objectives. They will collaborate with customer service, marketing and sales to ensure customer needs are met and inventory levels are managed to ensure optimum supply chain performance. The successful candidate will have strong analytical and problem-solving skills and be able to work in a fast-paced environment.

Responsibilities of Demand Planning Associate Manager

1. Develop and manage demand plans for the company’s product portfolio
2. Analyze market trends, customer demand, and inventory levels to create accurate forecasts
3. Collaborate with sales, marketing, and supply chain teams to ensure demand plans are aligned with overall business objectives
4. Monitor and adjust forecasts to reflect any changes in customer demand, market conditions, or inventory levels
5. Develop and manage supply chain strategies to ensure accurate and timely delivery of goods
6. Identify and implement process improvement initiatives to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of the demand planning process
7. Analyze root causes of demand forecast errors and develop corrective actions
8. Prepare and present demand plans and performance reports to executive management
9. Establish and maintain strong relationships with external stakeholders, such as suppliers and customers
10. Lead and manage the demand planning team, providing guidance and support

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