Necessary skills for Assistant Finance Manager: skills and requirements

General requirements of a Assistant Finance Manager

• Bachelor’s degree or higher in Finance or Accounting
• 5+ years of experience in financial management or accounting
• Proven track record of successfully managing and reporting financial data
• Excellent organizational, problem solving and analytical skills
• Proficient in relevant software applications, such as QuickBooks, Microsoft Excel, and SAP

Skills and Behaviours for a Assistant Finance Manager

Internal Controls
Financial accounting
Balance Sheet Financial Accounting Financial Analysis Financial Consolidation Financial Reporting Financial Statement Income Statement Reconciliation
Managerial Accounting
Cash Flow Cash Management Cost accounting Management Accounting P&L Management
Payroll Management
Payroll Administration Payroll Processing
Personnel Management
Attendance Management
Project management
Project Management Project Planning Project cost management
Strategic Thinking
Company Vision Strategic Thinking
Analytical thinking
Gathering information and data Identifying cause and effect relationships
Change Management
Driving change and innovation Influencing others towards change
Self awareness & Self Management
Being punctual Being reliable Maintaining Integrity and Accountability Self control and regulation

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