Planning and Organizing
About this assessment
Individuals with solid planning organizing and planning skills are able to perform their work accurately, in a timely manner, while avoiding costly mistakes. This behavioral assessment tackles the ability of individuals to clarify expectations of self and others, set and plan accurate goals, and take timely actions to ensure obligations are met.
Behaviors tested
Why those behaviors matter in the workplace
Planification and organization are the foundation of every business process. The ability for employees to generate simplicity and efficiency is a quality that has long been sought after in a number of industries. In manufacturing, for example, planning skills are much sought after across departments: Supply Chain, Purchase, Finance, Sales, and more.
New workplace trends, such as remote work and the digitalization of work tools, have only accelerated the need for planning and organization skills, making them essential well beyond traditional "analytical" departments. Efficient modern managers should now be able to tackle complex challenges by ordering knowledge and data, and by breaking down work into simpler tasks and workflows that can then be picked up by team members across the world.
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