Leadership Assessment
About this assessment
This behavioral assessment helps to benchmark job candidates for management and leadership roles. Assess management style and ability to make tough decisions. Results available as candidates benchmark table or individual report to be share to hiring manager.
Behaviors tested
Why those behaviors matter in the workplace
Leading people is probably the most complex task in the everyday business world. No single other task can result in a larger impact on the organization. It supports the direction of the work, the motivation of teams, and the ability to thrive and tackle complex business challenges.
The qualities to be a good corporate leader are multiple. The first batch of qualities is connected to the ability of the leader to process large quantities of information: listening and reframing challenges in a way to communicate a clear path ahead to teams.
The second batch of qualities is connected to the ability of the leader to be decisive despite imperfect information. Leaders must have the will to take risks and challenge the status quo. This is especially true in unpredictable business environments.
The third batch of qualities has to do with the emotional maturity of the leader: acting with integrity, rising above self-interest, making it a point to see people for their performance beyond bias, and giving credit to teams before oneself. This allows the team to thrive beyond the micro-management of the leader by infusing a stable and productive corporate culture. As often put, "culture is what remains once the leader has left the room".
How you to use this assessment
Our screening tests identify the best candidates and make your hiring decisions faster, easier, and bias-free.
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Candidates fill the questions
Candidates go through the questionnaire during their application process. Fast and easy, can be done on computer or mobile device!
Access the job application result
Check the candidat scores for each of the selected behaviors. Use the insight to compare candidates or prepare the interview process.