Collaboration & Teamwork
About this assessment
This behavioral assessment assesses the ability to work as a team or with a group of people to complete a shared goal. This assessment focuses on key behaviors such as Giving credits to others, Involving others in making decisions that affect them, Placing team needs above individual needs, and Working with others towards common goals.
Behaviors tested
Why those behaviors matter in the workplace
Collaboration is the engine of modern companies: it enables innovation and continuous improvement on which thriving sustainable businesses are made.
Not all individuals are innate collaborators. Qualities of good team players include the capacity of working with others, give credit to others, and placing team success above their individual short-term interests.
Good collaborators like to use "collective intelligence" when making decisions. They can listen from the diverse and opposing points of view and therefore are less likely to commit mistakes or generate unnecessary risks.
How you to use this assessment
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