Accountability Assessment
About this assessment
This behavioral assessment assesses whether the individual is able to deliver on their commitments and show others they can be trusted by their actions. This assessment focuses on key behaviors such as Being punctual, Being reliable, and Maintaining Integrity and Accountability.
Behaviors tested
Why those behaviors matter in the workplace
Accountability is the trait of an individual to own their own activities and projects. Accountable individuals find motivation in seeing things through and the way to achieve results. They will go the extra mile not to let down their bosses' project or their customers.
Accountable individuals judge things by facts and expect to be judged on the same. Such individuals will collaborate based on a factual basis, performance KPIs and shared metrics. They tend to dislike unstable environments and expect a high level of business ethics.
Accountable individuals are often driven by their own stakeholder's satisfaction and will often act as a spokesperson on behalf of other stakeholders: a very useful thing for businesses that require a lot of learning and fine-tuning.
How you to use this assessment
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